Apr 28, 2019, 5:00 PM – Apr 29, 2019, 12:00 AM (UTC)
2 Year Anniversary Potluck for Twitch Pittsburgh Community MeetUp. Downtown Pittsburgh, food, games, drinks, music & streaming discussions! (Kid friendly)
It's been 2 years since we all came together and formed the Twitch Pittsburgh community. Let's get together, eat, drink and game on! Feel free to bring your Nintendo Switch, board and card games to the event and have fun. There will also be a community streamer talk time, where we talk about recent changes to Twitch and how it affects us as streamers or fans. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to join the conversation and share their experiences.
This meetup celebration is a potluck and our new event space has a fully loaded kitchen! Mark your calendars and get those recipes ready to rumble!
Street parking may be available, so we recommend arriving early to secure parking.
Click this link for the ***Food List*** and feel free to add to it if you plan on bringing anything! :)
Since quite a few members of the community have young children, the Pittsburgh community has chosen to donate school supplies to the children for back to school. We collect supplies through out the year and present them to the children in August. If you would like to participate, feel free to bring school supplies, (Backpacks, binders, paper, pencils, notebooks) to the meetup. This is completely optional and not required in anyway to participate in the event but the kids will be grateful if you do.
Make sure to RSVP, and join the Pittsburgh chapter!
Can't wait to you all!
- The Twitch Pittsburgh Crew
Please read and be aware of terms and conditions. Please be aware that by attending these events, you consent to your voice, name, and/or likeness being used, without compensation, for us in any and all media, whether known or herafter devised, for eternity, and you release Stream Texas, its successors, assigns, and licensees from any liability whatsover of any nature. Do not attend this event if you do not wish to be subject to the foregoing.
April 28 – 29, 2019
5:00 PM – 12:00 AM (UTC)
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