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2020 Semi-Annual BIG MeetUp, Sponsored By Stack Up!

Los Angeles

Feb 9, 2020, 2:00 – 6:00 AM

361 RSVPs

About this event

SPONSORED BY MILITARY CHARITY STACK UP, charity raffle for donations and livestreaming! We've also got beer from our allies at Voodoo Ranger, free massages from Need for Kneeding, California Creatives are setting up to show their art off, music provided by ProFinishings, photobooth by Photos From Last Night and photos from Photos By Delphin! 

These last two years, it's been about quick, small events every 4-6 weeks. Unfortunately, in Los Angeles, you'd better do something BIG to get people to brave the traffic and parking situation in this damn city. So that's just what we're doing. We're going all out and putting together a much larger event. That means sponsors, booths, prizes, advertisements on social media, which hopefully translates to far more people for you to network and build your connection base for streaming!

UPDATE 4FEB: Been seeing a lot of chatter about people needing rides to the big event this weekend, so we opened up a channel in our Discord called #CarpoolLane for you to coordinate!



Sunday, February 9, 2020
2:00 AM – 6:00 AM UTC


Ice Breaker - Excel Glitch
Twitch News & Updates
How to work with the Industry as a Content Creator - Nelstar
Running a successful Charity Stream - HyperZenGirl
Twickle with Jake
DreamHack Intro
New Member Intros
Excel Glitch - Part 2


  • StackUp_ShanghaiSix

    Twitch Los Angeles Lead


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