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Streamer Mixer @ Dreamhack Atlanta


Nov 17, 2019, 1:00 – 5:00 AM

201 RSVPs

About this event

Over the past 20 years Dreamhack has been building the world’s largest digital lifestyle festival – a place for gamers and digital natives of all stripes to come together to compete, make new friends and celebrate all of the things that make internet culture great. They have asked Stream Atlanta to put the word out and invite everyone they know for the Mixer Party to End all Mixer Parties. But no party is complete without you!! No Badge purchase necessary!! Please visit  Stream Atlanta Twitter & Discord for Details about Check-ins and Free Admission** Also keep in mind Dreamhack is an All Ages event. 

For Questions and Concerns for anything Dreamhack related please refer to their Website or join their Discord.

[Free Admission ONLY pertains to the Mixer itself, spanning from 8pm to midnight. Neither Stream Atlanta nor Dreamhack are offering Free Passes for the entire event.]



Sunday, November 17, 2019
1:00 AM – 5:00 AM UTC


'Free Admission' Check-in
General Check-in


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